PCEye Explore Peripheral Eye Tracker
The PCEye Explore is an entry level, peripheral eye tracker that opens up the wonderful world of gaze interaction to individuals of all abilities. With the PCEye Explore, young or inexperienced users get a simple, fun and no-fail way to learn how to use eye tracking and gaze interaction, while at the same time preparing them for AAC communication.
Connect the PC Eye Explore to your laptop or desktop and PCEye Explore lets you move the mouse pointer and perform left clicks, using only your eyes. This basic functionality, in combination with the vast number of compatible software titles and webpages, lets users splat, smudge, reveal, paint, play, draw, make music and more, essentially leaving them no ways to fail, but plenty of opportunities to learn while having fun.
Simple eye tracking settings – Windows 10 compatible
The software you are using to control your PCEye Explore is called Gaze Point and now supports Microsoft Windows 10. After the eye tracker has been installed and calibrated, there are few things that call for your attention. Use the settings to control the basic functionality of the PCEye Explore – turn the eye tracker on or off, show or hide the mouse cursor, and turn click on or off. Also, a discreet onscreen heads-up-display indicates whether the user is properly positioned in front of the eye tracker or not, allowing for optimum eye tracking performance.
New and precise 1-point calibration
The PCEye Explore offers from now on a 1-point calibration. With this method, the calibration process just takes a few seconds and still delivers a precise and accurate enough result to make full use of the PCEye Explore. It is ideal for quick calibrations of users who might be unable to or don’t need more accurate calibrations.
Cost benefits to schools and centers
Share the eye tracker among several users
The PCEye Explore provides great cost benefits to schools and resource centers that offer eye tracking to its students and users, either as a complement or an alternative to switch usage.
- The PCEye Explore is a clip-on module which allows you to use it on different computers, allowing you to upgrade your desktop or laptop computer(s) while keeping the PCEye Explore eye tracker.
- The PCEye Explore can be used with many software titles and web applications: from playing simple cause-and-effect-games to precise targeting.
- The accuracy, precision and robustness of the Tobii Dynavox PCEye Explore makes it ideal for environments with different users. The PCEye Explore can track most individuals, regardless of glasses, contacts or dark or light pupils; and with the support of multiple user profiles and magnetic mounts, changing settings between different users and physical locations is a breeze.