A blended, standards-based, nine-skill program for number sense and basic math concepts
Product Features:
- Covers nine skill areas: words for numbers, counting, making comparisons, sequencing, the four core math operations, money, number line, fractions, and time
- Provides a variety of materials for differentiating instruction
- Includes: Number Sense Software for 1 device, Look At Math, Place Value Packaging, a Talking Calculator, six Day Planners, Hands-On Money, and three TimeWheels
Number sense is foundational to mathematics. The Number Sense Intervention Kit is a curriculum for assessment and instruction. Activities improve students’ number sense and correlate with math standards for typically developing students in pre-K to 3rd grade.
Research surrounding differentiated instruction and universal design for learning has guided the development of this software. Instruction and assessment activities are provided in nine key mathematical skill areas. Each skill area has learning scaffolds with customizable settings. For example, you can select activities like counting money, academic goals like the coins and bills presented, and student access method like mouse or switch use.
Students begin within parameters set by the instructor. The program then guides students’ advancement in tiny increments.
Data is gathered during instructional practice and assessments. Detailed information such as questions asked, student responses, and time spent are reported. The program accumulates student performance over time, which helps you build meaningful student portfolios.
Nine skill areas covered
- Words for Numbers: Connect small to large numerals with written and spoken names
- Count: Count objects up to 100, make number sets, use place value up to 999
- Compare: Choose between more or less, recognize math comparison symbols
- Sequence: Skip count, identify ordinals, put numbers in order
- Math Facts: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide at many levels; solve word problems
- Money: Count money, choose coins and bills to match a written amount
- Number Line: Locate numbers, estimate large and small numbers, use fraction and decimal equivalents
- Fractions: Fill in sections of shapes, from halves to 12ths
- Time: Identify time on the hour, quarter hour, and minute
The Intervention kit includes these hands-on components:
- Look at Math Introductory Kit covers a wide range of concepts with a 120-lesson Instructor’s Guide, a heavily illustrated Student Book, and a PDF for printouts.
- Place Value Packaging is a hands-on activity, requiring students to use number pegs to solve place value and addition problems.
- Talking Calculator gives students auditory feedback when solving computations.
- Six laminated Day Planner Books simplify daytime schedules.
- Hands-On Money provides an organized collection of realistic bills and coins.
- Three TimeWheels™ a realistic clock to help learn to tell time