This curriculum is appropriate for elementary students with significant developmental disabilities, including autism. It begins with counting using one-to-one correspondence and progresses to more complex skills like using sets for addition and creating ABAB patterns.

  • Core concepts include numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, and measurement
  • Aligned with Common Core, state standards, and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards
  • Begins with one-to-one correspondence and progresses to complex addition and ABAB pattern skills
  • Incorporates several sets of story-based objects to maintain engagement with fun math themes
  • Provides a multiyear curriculum for students who use a variety of methods to communicate
  • Includes an easy-to-follow teacher’s prompt guide and multiple activities per lesson

This curriculum is appropriate for elementary students with significant developmental disabilities, including autism. It begins with counting using one-to-one correspondence and progresses to more complex skills like using sets for addition and creating ABAB patterns. Lessons are taught systematically, incorporating scripted lessons, least intrusive prompting strategies, teachable objectives, and ongoing assessments. The 24 lessons focus on fun themes, like Mardi Gras or bugs, and give students ample opportunity to practice using a variety of hands-on materials.

The Early Numeracy content aligns with national and state standards and four of the five NCTM Standards: Numbers and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, and Measurement.

Skills Taught:

  • Counting with one-to-one correspondence
  • Counting movable and nonmovable objects
  • Identifying and naming numerals 1–10
  • Rote counting to 20
  • Creating and adding sets to 10
  • Comparing sets for =, >, and <
  • Identifying symbols =, >, and <
  • Recognizing and extending ABAB patterns
  • Creating ABAB patterns
  • Measuring using a calendar
  • Measuring with nonstandard units
  • Measuring with standard units