A resource for educators to help students with autism develop functional communication skills.
A resource for educators to help students with autism develop functional communication skills
Product Features:
- Covers conversation skills, social understanding, and verbal language
- Includes assessments, tips for teaching, and suggestions for motivation and prompting
A comprehensive overview of methods and strategies for developing functional communication in children and adolescents with autism. Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Autism addresses the needs of nonverbal and beginning communicators, plus children with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. Included is downloadable PDF with many valuable reproducibles, like reinforcement preference sheets and symbol recognition assessments.
A unique resource that focuses on the one issue pertinent to all individuals on the spectrum—communication.
Contents include: Assessments, teaching communication skills, motivation and communication, using cues and prompts, teaching verbal language, using AAC, combining methods, following directions, tone of voice and emphasis, echolalia, appropriate communication, conversation skills, developing social understanding, and teaching across environments.